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- Nutritional and phytochemical composition of Carica papaya L. byproducts: new strategies for food security and sustainabilityPublication . Soares, C.S.B.; Costa, A.S.G.; Melo, D.; Ferreira da Vinha, Ana; Oliveira, M.B.P.P.Carica papaya is a predominant plant in tropical Africa and Central America with high importance for farmer incomes. It is known as “the fruit of angels”, due to it nutritional value and low cost. It ranks second as a source of beta-carotene, containing also natural sugars, vitamins C and E, B complex vitamins, and minerals, with fair amounts of calcium and phosphorus.Low in calories, this exotic fruit promotes the health of the cardiovascular system and provide protection against colon cancer. In addition, papaya contains papain (digestive enzyme), which is used to treat sports injuries, other causes of trauma, and allergies. Nowadays, papaya is the third most consumed tropical fruit in Europe. Therefore, the fruit processing industries generate a high volume of by-products (seeds and peels). These by-products hold nutrients and phytochemicals that can be used as value added ingredients for food and pharmaceutical applications. Therefore, the objective of the current study was to evaluate the nutritional composition and antioxidants content of seeds and peels of two papaya varieties marketed in Portugal (aliança and formosa). Ash, total fat, protein and dietary fibre, expressed as g/100 g of dry weight, were determined following the AOAC methods. The free sugars were evaluated by chromatographic analysis using an HPLC-ELSD system. Fatty acids methyl esters (FAME) were prepared, in triplicate, according to ISO (12966-2:2011) and their profile determined by GC-FID.5 Total vitamin E was analysed by HPLC-DAD-FLD. The content of total phenolics, flavonoids and antioxidant activity (DPPH• and FRAP inhibition) were determined by spectrophotometric methods. The seeds of aliança and formosa fruit varieties are a rich source of proteins (29.03% and 27.14%), lipids (25.30%) and inorganic matter (8.62% and 9.50%). Sugars in the free form (glucose and frutose) were detected in low amounts, contrarily to the fibre content. Regarding the fatty acid profile, both seed fruit varieties are rich in oleic acid (18:1) (72.60 and 73.60% for aliança and formosa, respectively), a monounsaturated fatty acid linked to health benefits. Vitamin E (mainly alfa-tocopherol) ranged between 32.3-37.3 mg/kg for aliança and formosa seeds, respectively. Regarding fruit peels, both varieties also present high content of proteins (26.56% and 19.79%), significantly lower content of total fat (2.8% and 3.4%) but higher mineral content (15.8% and 13.8%, respectively). Formosa peels displays the highest content of free sugars (173.6 mg/g and 151.8 mg/g for frutose and glicose, respectively). Like seeds, the two fruit varieties peels also show considerable fibre content. The fatty acid profile in fruit peels was quite different from that described in seeds, being α-Linolenic acid (C18:3n3) the most representative one (28.1% and 30.3% for aliança and formosa, respectively). Vitamin E was significantly superior in fruit peels (615.9- 939.3 mg/kg, aliança and formosa, respectively). These high values for proximate composition make these by-products rich natural sources of nutrients. Regarding the antioxidant content, total phenolics and flavonoids were higher in the fruit peels, with no significant differences between the two studied varieties (p0.05). Despite the difference in the total content of bioactive compounds, the antioxidant activity was identical in both seeds and peels fruit varieties (28% for DPPH• and 78micromol FSE/g of dw). Moreover, the individual profile of bioactive compounds should be considered in a future study, but these results confirm the great potential for industrial recovery and related applications, such as formulation of new food ingredients.
- Edible flowers as new novel foods concept for health promotionPublication . Pinto, Sara; Oliveira, Adriana; Manso, M. Conceição; Silva, Carla Sousa e; Ferreira da Vinha, AnaEdible flowers are commonly used in human nutrition and their con sumption has increased in the last years. In Europe, the most common application of flower petals in human nutrition is in the preparation of hot beverages (tisane or infusion), providing wellness due to the medicinal properties already recognized. Thus, it is paramount to know their nutritional composition as well as other functional and beneficial properties often related to their bioactive compounds and antioxidant properties. Rose (Rosa canina L.), marigold (Calendula officinalis L.) and camellia (Camellia L.) were compared for their contents in total phenolics, fla vonoids and carotenoids. Moreover, their antioxidant capacity was assessed.
- Valorização das folhas de calêndula (Calendula officinalis L.) como ingrediente funcional em novos géneros alimentíciosPublication . Moreira, Sandra; Silva, Carla Sousa e; Manso, M. Conceição; Nunes, Ana; Carvalho, Célia; Ferreira da Vinha, AnaA biodiversidade de plantas medicinais pode ser estudada através do seu cultivo e evolução, impacto ecológico ou como recurso biológico, sendo este último extremamente importante para a identificação e extração de compostos bioativos que apresentam benefícios para a saúde. A calêndula é uma planta medicinal de origem mediterrânea, cujos principais efeitos terapêuticos se relacionam com processos de cicatrização do tecido cutâneo, tratamento de abcessos gástricos e de inflamações vasculares e antidiabéticas e anti-hiperlipidémicas. A integração de plantas naturais edíveis em géneros alimentícios é uma nova aposta da indústria alimentar na elaboração de um novo conceito de alimentos, denominados alimentos funcionais, que são alimentos comuns, integrados na dieta, mas capazes de produzir benefícios específicos para a saúde.
- Massa alimentícia enriquecida com polifenóis de folha de videira vermelha: um novo alimento funcionalPublication . Nunes, Ana; Carvalho, Célia; Fradinho, Patrícia; Silva, Carla Sousa e; Ferreira da Vinha, Ana; Moreira, Sandra; Lacerda, AntónioDurante o processo de vinificação são gerados muitos desperdícios, entre os quais a folha de videira, que apresenta elevada riqueza em polifenóis. O desenvolvimento de géneros alimentares utilizando ingredientes funcionais obtidos de extratos de videira permite, simultaneamente, valorizar um subproduto da indústria vinícola e obter um alimento funcional.
- Edible flowers of ornamental plants: a food promise in the sustainability sectorPublication . Pinto, Sara; Oliveira, Adriana; Silva, Carla Sousa e; Ferreira da Vinha, AnaThe growing interest in nutraceutical ingredients and functional foods has increased research into new foods that provide beneficial health. Although flowers were already used as food in ancient times, they have only recently sparked off nutraceutical research focusing on new agronomic and economic horizons, which are part of the concept of sustainability. OBJECTIVES: Having in mind the potential of edible flowers as source of bioactive compounds and related antioxidant activity, this work evaluated the contents of total phenolics and flavonoids, in aqueous extracts of rose (Rosa canina L.), marigold (Calendula officinalis L.) and camellia (Camellia L.). Additionally, the antioxidant activity of all the extracts was evaluated.
- Phytochemicals in food industry by-products: the case of coffee silverskinPublication . Costa, A.; Ferreira da Vinha, Ana; Alves, R.; Nunes, M.A.; Cunha, L.M.; Oliveira, M.B.P.P.Recovery of waste and added value by-products in the food industry is mandatory in a society that aims environmental, social and economic sustainability. It promotes waste reduction and gains instead of expenses. In the present study, we used coffee silverskin, a by-product (with no added value) of coffee roast industry, as a possible source of phytochemicals with antioxidant activity. Silverskin from three commercial coffee batches (a pure robusta and two blends with arabica and robusta coffees) were provided by a local coffee torrefaction industry.
- Portuguese autochthonous Laurus sp.: nutritional and phytochemical composition of leavesPublication . Pereira, L.C.; Ferreira da Vinha, Ana; Alves, R.; Costa, A.; Oliveira, M.B.P.P.Medicinal plants have been used for centuries as remedies for human diseases due to their chemical components of therapeutic value. Laurus sp. belongs to the family Lauraceae, which grows in the Mediterranean region. Their leaves have been used to treat neurological disorders, while the essential oil is useful in pain relief and presents antibacterial activity. In Portugal, there are only three species of Laurus: L. nobilis, native to mainland Portugal, L. azorica (Seub.) Franco and L. novocanriensis, two autochthonous species from Azores and Madeira archipelagos, respectively. Scarce information exist about autochthonous Laurus sp. collected in Portugal, especially those usually consumed in the Portuguese diet. Therefore, in this work, we studied the nutritional value and some phytochemicals content of fresh and dried plants collected in the North of Portugal (L. nobilis), Azores (L. azorica), and Madeira archipelagos (L. novocanriensis), where people frequently use them for traditional medicine and gastronomy.
- Bioactive compounds and reducing ability of medicinal herbal infusions: a regard over their labelsPublication . Baptista, N.; Costa, A.; Ferreira da Vinha, Ana; Nunes, A.; Alves, R.; Cunha, L.M.; Oliveira, M.B.P.P.Consumer interest in a healthy diet has been growing exponentially. Consequently, food industries provide, nowadays, an increasing number of products (including teas and infusions) that label beneficial health and/or well-being effects. In this work, a preliminary survey of several herbs commonly used in commercial mixtures for infusions (horsetail, lemongrass, green tea, fennel, St. John’s wort, senna and tilia) was performed. Infusions of single plants (n=13) and mixtures (n=18) were analyzed and their labels verified in order to identify possible gaps in their claims. Total phenolics, total flavonoids and tannins contents, as well as the reducing ability (using FRAP assay) of samples, were determined.
- Commercial smoothies containing fruit and fermented milk: stability of quality attributes during storagePublication . Nunes, M.A.; Costa, A.; Ferreira da Vinha, Ana; Alves, R.; Rocha, A.; Oliveira, M.B.P.P.There is an expanding demand of consumers for natural food products that are fresh or minimally processed and convenient. Smoothies are blended beverages containing fruits, fruit purées, pulps and/or fruit juices, yoghurt or milk that preserve the desirable characteristics of fruits. The effect of processing and storage on commercial smoothies could affect quality attributes, like color and acidity, important parameters for the consumer acceptability of the product. The aim of this work was to analyze the physical and chemical properties associated with quality attributes, in different smoothie formulations available in the Portuguese market (n=16). Samples were divided into five groups, according to composition. The total titratable acidity, pH value and soluble solid content were determined using standard methods (NP EN 12147:1999, NP EN 1132:1996 and NP EN 12143:1999, respectively). The color was measured using a colorimeter, expressed in CIE units (L*, a*, b*) and converted to hue angle (h0) and chroma (C*). Analyses were performed into three moments after purchase (0, 14 and 21 days).
- Valorization of Arbutus unedo L. berries: a study on their nutritional and phytochemical compositionPublication . Albuquerque, C.; Ferreira da Vinha, Ana; Costa, A.S.G.; Alves, R.C.; Oliveira, M.B.P.P.In the Mediterranean region, fruits and leaves of Arbutus unedo L. (Ericaceae) are traditionally used due to their therapeutic benefits (antiseptic, diuretic, laxative, hypotensive). The fruits are also used in the production of jams, or fermented and distilled into liquors, common practices in rural areas of Portugal. As they are still considered an underutilized fruit-tree species, the aim of this study was to study the nutritional and phytochemical composition of fresh A. unedo L. berries harvested in the North of Portugal (Minho), to promote their consumption and valorization. Nutritional composition was evaluated according to AOAC methodologies. Total phenolics, flavonoids, anthocyanins, and carotenoids contents were evaluated by spectrophotometric methods.