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- Denominações em audiofonologia: das categorias às práticas e às concepçõesPublication . Almeida, Alexandre Frey Pinto deDiscute-se a especial importância do idioma no domínio técnico e científico da chamada audiofonologia, exemplificando-se com a influência da própria metalinguagem sobre as respectivas práticas e concepções. o relativismo linguístico pôs em relevo importantes diferenças na estrutura semântica e gramatical dos vários idiomas, admitindo-se que cada um possa oferecer moldes distintos para as próprias categorias da mente. procura-se mostrar de que modo isto pode afectar todo um âmbito de actuação técnica neste campo. A semântica das denominações parece chegar a influenciar a própria concepção, a implementação e o perfil das práticas e das profissões nesta área. The great importance of language in the technical and scientific domain of the so-called audiophonology is discussed, and this is exemplified with the influence of metalanguage itself on practices and conceptions. linguistic relativism emphasised important differences in semantic and grammatical structure of different languages, and since then one admit that each one could offer different models for the categories of the mind. An attempt is made to show how these can affect a whole domain of technical intervention in this field. the semantics of denominations seems to influence the conception, the implementation and the profile of practices and professions in this area.
- Symétrie de l´expression corporelle chez le journaliste télévisif: un domaine d'intervention en audiophonologie esthétique - une étude exploratoire dans un laboratoire universitaire de télévisionPublication . Almeida, Alexandre Frey Pinto de; Aroucha, Jucyara MenezesOs achados obtidos com métodos de interesse clínico aplicados ao estudo da comunicação podem usar-se proveitosamente no sentido de optimizar a expressão de um ponto de vista estético, nomeadamente no domínio do telejornalismo. Um atributo que merece ser considerado é a simetria da expressão corporal, a qual se torna então pertinente em audiofonologia estética. Num grupo de estudantes de Jornalismo locutores do laboratório de televisão da Universidade Fernando Pessoa (jornal televisivo semanal acessível em evidenciou-se, na aplicação do protocolo de avaliação fonoaudiológica da Central Globo de Jornalismo do Brasil (Kyrillos, 2003), uma incidência muito apreciável de assimetrias evidentes da expressão para-verbal. Decorrido mais de um mês sobre os noticiários televisivos em questão, seleccionaram-se três casos, submetendo dois a uma bateria de exercícios de “brain-gym” (Dennison & Dennison, 1996) e do método de Alexander (Maisel, 1990) logo antes duma repetição de certos desempenhos de locução, e repetindo-se também o mesmo texto num terceiro caso sem nenhum exercício prévio: no critério duma juíza doutra Universidade, este último em nada mudou as suas assimetrias de expressão corporal nesta segunda execução, ao passo que os dois casos sobre os quais se interveio mostraram notáveis mudanças no sentido duma expressão de base mais simétrica. Se uma experimentação mais cuidada permitisse concluir que a intervenção proposta é de facto eficaz na correcção das assimetrias corporais, a assistência estetico comunicativa aos locutores de telejornal poderia desde então lançar mão regularmente deste tipo de abordagem. The findings obtained with clinical methods applied to the study of communication can be advantageously used in order to optimize expression from an aesthetic point of vue, namely in the domain of tele journalism. An attribute that one should consider is symmetry of body expression, something quite relevant in aesthetic audiophonology. When applying the phonoaudiological assessment protocol of Globo brazilian TV chain (Kyrillos, 2003) to the performances of students of Journalism in the television lab of University Fernando Pessoa (where a television journal is published each week - available at, clear asymmetries of paraverbal expression were noticed in most of them. More than one month later, three speakers were selected, two of them being submitted to a battery of “brain-gym” (Dennison & Dennison, 1996) and also some other exercises belonging to the method of Alexander (Maisel, 1990), just before being incited to repeat once again some of their works, a third one repeating also the same text, but without any previous exercise: in the criterion of a judge from another University, this third case didn’t change at all his body expression asymmetries in this second execution, but the two cases being intervened did show remarkable changes in the direction of a more symmetric basic expression. If a more extended research allowed the conclusion that this intervention is useful indeed in the correction of body asymmetries, the aesthetic-communicative assistance to tele journal speakers should henceforth include regularly this kind of approach.
- Um tratamento postural para a dislexia?Publication . Almeida, Alexandre Frey Pinto deDyslexia is a specific reading disability which requires namely, for a complete diagnosis, the submission to a reading scale and an intelligence scale in the context of an attentive medical and psychological examination. This one is supposed to confirm objectively the reading difficulties and to exclude such possible aetiologies as developmental disturbances of any other nature, sensorial deficit, neurological / psychiatric diseases or main problems in school. Nevertheless, dyslexia often occurs accompanied by dysortography and many neurological “soft-signs”. Pinto de Almeida (1993) also noticed a frequent association with Postural Deficit Syndrome, and this author’s working hypothesis is being supported by new evidence: it seems now to be confirmed that the treatment of the associated PDS by means of postural reprogramming and the use of low potency prismatic lenses may obtain very considerable effects on the reading performance itself. As a matter or fact, G. Serrano and O. Alves da Silva (1998) related very similar results in a great number of dysortographic children, possibly dyslexic ones, arguing that this is the main treatment for most cases, and assuming that the enhancement is due to the correction of proprioceptive dysfunctions caused by vicious positions leading to a cognitive inhibition which could make reading something very hard to do. The author criticises that way of thinking and claims for another conception of dyslexia and even the associated PDS, that could both be seen as “dyslaterality syndromes”, depending on the same general hemispheric function disharmony. Not only this new postural treatment but other performant interventions as well could potenciate each other in order to improve the peculiar neurological background of that syndromatic constellation.