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A Saúde é uma área em que, devido às dinâmicas que se desenvolvem, se
torna suscetível ao surgimento de conflitos entre os diversos atores intervenientes. Deste
modo, o objetivo geral do presente artigo prende-se com o estudo dos conflitos que
surgem em meio hospitalar, bem como das estratégias de resolução de conflitos
utilizadas pelos profissionais de saúde para a gestão dos mesmos e a aplicação da
Mediação de conflitos na área da saúde. Tendo como base um estudo qualitativo,
recorreu-se à técnica da entrevista semi-estruturada para a recolha dos dados. No que
concerne aos participantes no estudo, estes foram 6 profissionais de saúde pertencentes
a diferentes serviços e especialidades do Hospital-Escola Universidade Fernando
Pessoa. Os resultados obtidos demonstram que os conflitos com que os profissionais de
saúde lidam surgem em diversos níveis, nomeadamente entre profissionais de saúde,
profissionais de saúde e pacientes e os profissionais de saúde e colaboradores externos.
Outra conclusão foi a de que, apesar das estratégias adoptadas pelos profissionais de
saúde terem por base o diálogo e a comunicação, estas centram-se apenas na resolução
do conflito, ao invés de produzirem uma efetiva mudança de comportamentos e atitudes,
que inviabilizem o surgimento de futuros conflitos. Ao nível da Mediação, os resultados
revelam que esta pode constituir uma mais-valia para a área da saúde, permitindo
alcançar uma gestão construtiva dos conflitos eficaz.
Health is an area in which, due to the dynamics that develops, becomes susceptible to the emergence of conflicts between the various actors involved. Therefore, the overall objective of this research is the study of the conflicts that arise in a hospital environment, conflict resolution strategies used by health professionals for the management of mediation of conflicts in the area of health. Based on a qualitative study, the technique was used the semi-structured interview for the collection of data. With regard to the participants in the study, these are 6 health care professionals from the Hospital-School University Fernando Pessoa. The results obtained pointed out that conflicts with that health professionals tend to deal with arise at various levels, including among healthcare professionals, among healthcare professionals and patients, and among health professionals and external collaborators. The results reveal that despite the strategies adopted by health professionals were based on dialogue and communication, this only focus is resolving the conflict instead of producing an effective change of behaviors and attitudes that prevent the emergence of future conflicts. At the level of mediation, the results reveal that translates into an asset for the area of health, in order to achieve an effective management of conflicts.
Health is an area in which, due to the dynamics that develops, becomes susceptible to the emergence of conflicts between the various actors involved. Therefore, the overall objective of this research is the study of the conflicts that arise in a hospital environment, conflict resolution strategies used by health professionals for the management of mediation of conflicts in the area of health. Based on a qualitative study, the technique was used the semi-structured interview for the collection of data. With regard to the participants in the study, these are 6 health care professionals from the Hospital-School University Fernando Pessoa. The results obtained pointed out that conflicts with that health professionals tend to deal with arise at various levels, including among healthcare professionals, among healthcare professionals and patients, and among health professionals and external collaborators. The results reveal that despite the strategies adopted by health professionals were based on dialogue and communication, this only focus is resolving the conflict instead of producing an effective change of behaviors and attitudes that prevent the emergence of future conflicts. At the level of mediation, the results reveal that translates into an asset for the area of health, in order to achieve an effective management of conflicts.
Conflitos Estratégias de gestão construtiva de conflitos Mediação de conflitos Mediação na saúde Conflict Conflict mediation Strategies of conflict management Mediation in health Ethics in health
Soares Claro, R. F.; Cunha, P. F. S. S.. (2017). Estratégias de gestão construtiva de conflitos. Psicologia, Saúde & Doença, 18, 1, 55-68.