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As vitaminas são compostos orgânicos, presentes em alguns alimentos, essenciais à vida de modo a proporcionarem um funcionamento normal do organismo e aproveitamento de energia por parte dos alimentos. No entanto, se houver um défice ou um excesso destes compostos podem surgir doenças que poderiam ser evitadas se se ingerisse a quantidade diária recomendada.
Neste trabalho foi abordada a importância das vitaminas, os seus benefícios e malefícios, outras curiosidades e aspectos importantes sobre elas incluindo as quantidades diárias necessárias para o bom funcionamento do organismo evitando, assim, desequilíbrios.
O objectivo deste trabalho é perceber o grau de conhecimento dos indivíduos sobre as vitaminas e tentar esclarecer o maior número de dúvidas que possam existir sobre este tema.
Foram estudados 130 cidadãos do concelho de Porto com idade igual ou superior a 18 anos. O questionário consistiu em 20 perguntas, que incluíram perguntas de resposta fechada e de resposta aberta sobre vitaminas e suplementos vitamínicos. Incluiu também dados sócio-demográficos: idade e sexo; dados antropométricos: peso e estatura e dados específicos relativos ao conhecimento sobre as vitaminas (se o inquirido tomou suplementos e quem lhos indicou, qual o motivo para suplementação, que vitaminas o inquirido conhece, onde existe maior teor em determinada vitamina e questões sobre determinadas propriedades que estes nutrientes têm).
Todos os participantes foram informados que este questionário se inseria numa tese de Mestrado em Ciências Farmacêuticas, tendo sido pedido a todos os inquiridos que fossem sinceros e que não tivessem receio de não saber qual a resposta correcta. Foi também explicado que os dados que fossem fornecidos seriam confidenciais. Todos os inquiridos assinaram uma declaração de consentimento informado.
Efectuou-se uma análise estatística descritiva, sendo que os resultados serão apresentados na forma de média (desvio-padrão), mínimo e máximo e percentagens. Após a realização do questionário os dados foram tratados estatisticamente através do programa SPSS, versão 17.0 para Windows.
De acordo com os resultados encontrados verificou-se que os motivos que levam à toma de um suplemento vitamínico são variados.
Apesar da percentagem de respostas totalmente correctas ser superior à das totalmente erradas, a percentagem de respostas incompletas é muito significativa, e 6,92% é um número muito pequeno, o que comprova que esta amostra deveria estar melhor informada sobre o tema.
Vitamins are organic compounds, present in some foods, essential to life so as to provide a normal body function and use of energy from food. However, if an excess or a deficit of these compounds may arise diseases could be prevented if they ingest the recommended daily amount. In this work we addressed the importance of vitamins, their benefits and disadvantages, trivia and other important aspects about them including daily amounts necessary for the proper functioning of the body, thus avoiding imbalances. The aim of this study is to understand the degree of knowledge of individuals about the vitamins and try to clear as many doubts that may exist on this topic. We studied 130 citizens of the municipality of Porto aged over 18 years. The questionnaire consisted of 20 questions, which included closed-ended questions and open-response on vitamins and supplements. It also included socio-demographic data: age and sex, anthropometric data: weight and height data specifically related to knowledge about vitamins (if the respondent took supplements and those who lhos stated the reason for supplementation, vitamins that the respondent knows where there is a higher content of certain vitamin and questions about certain properties that have these nutrients). All participants were informed that this survey were part of a Master's thesis in Pharmaceutical Sciences, was asked to all respondents who were sincere and had no fear of not knowing what the correct answer. It was also explained that the data provided would be confidential. All respondents signed an informed consent form. It was performed a descriptive statistical analysis, and the results are presented as mean (standard deviation), minimum and maximum percentages. After completing the questionnaire data were statistically analyzed using SPSS, version 17.0 for Windows. According to the results it was found that the reasons that lead to taking a vitamin supplement are varied, regardless of age or sex. Although the percentage of completely correct answers to be superior to the completely wrong, the percentage of incomplete responses is very significant, and 6.92% is a very small number, which proves that this sample should be better informed on the subject.
Vitamins are organic compounds, present in some foods, essential to life so as to provide a normal body function and use of energy from food. However, if an excess or a deficit of these compounds may arise diseases could be prevented if they ingest the recommended daily amount. In this work we addressed the importance of vitamins, their benefits and disadvantages, trivia and other important aspects about them including daily amounts necessary for the proper functioning of the body, thus avoiding imbalances. The aim of this study is to understand the degree of knowledge of individuals about the vitamins and try to clear as many doubts that may exist on this topic. We studied 130 citizens of the municipality of Porto aged over 18 years. The questionnaire consisted of 20 questions, which included closed-ended questions and open-response on vitamins and supplements. It also included socio-demographic data: age and sex, anthropometric data: weight and height data specifically related to knowledge about vitamins (if the respondent took supplements and those who lhos stated the reason for supplementation, vitamins that the respondent knows where there is a higher content of certain vitamin and questions about certain properties that have these nutrients). All participants were informed that this survey were part of a Master's thesis in Pharmaceutical Sciences, was asked to all respondents who were sincere and had no fear of not knowing what the correct answer. It was also explained that the data provided would be confidential. All respondents signed an informed consent form. It was performed a descriptive statistical analysis, and the results are presented as mean (standard deviation), minimum and maximum percentages. After completing the questionnaire data were statistically analyzed using SPSS, version 17.0 for Windows. According to the results it was found that the reasons that lead to taking a vitamin supplement are varied, regardless of age or sex. Although the percentage of completely correct answers to be superior to the completely wrong, the percentage of incomplete responses is very significant, and 6.92% is a very small number, which proves that this sample should be better informed on the subject.
Trabalho apresentado à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Ciências Farmacêuticas
Vitaminas Conhecimento Adultos Vitamins Knowledge Adults