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A formação de professores para o atendimento de alunos com necessidades especiais é um tema de grande valor devido a expansão do acesso destes alunos às classes regulares. O presente estudo tem como objetivo geral verificar se os professores receberam formação para atender e saber atuar no dia a dia com alunos com necessidades educativas especiais na educação regular .Trata-se de um estudo descritivo de cariz qualitativo, no qual participaram 14 profissionais da educação sendo desde os dirigentes, os psicólogos e os professores que foram inquiridos através de uma entrevista. Conclui-se que embora o Colégio tenha sua estrutura adaptada, um planeamento para atender as demandas pedagógicas dos alunos com necessidades educacionais especiais e que forneça curso de Libras para seus professores e profissionais da educação, incluir está para além da estrutura física e material da instituição. Os professores têm que buscar constantemente formação que venha contemplar todas as particularidades e especificidades das deficiências, para que em seu cotidiano, possa agir e contribuir com a formação desse educando com qualidade.
The training of teachers for the care of students with special needs is a topic of great value due to the expansion of access of these students to the regular classes. The present study has as general objective to verify if the teachers received training to attend and to be able to act in the day to day with students with special educational needs in the regular education. It is a descriptive study of qualitative character, in which they participated 14 professionals of the education being from the leaders, the psychologists and the teachers who were interviewed through an interview. It is concluded that although the College has its structure adapted, planning to meet the pedagogical demands of students with special educational needs and providing Pounds course for their teachers and education professionals, include is beyond the physical and material structure of the institution . Teachers have to constantly seek training that comes to contemplate all the particularities and specificities of the deficiencies, so that in their daily lives, they can act and contribute to the education of this educated person with quality.
The training of teachers for the care of students with special needs is a topic of great value due to the expansion of access of these students to the regular classes. The present study has as general objective to verify if the teachers received training to attend and to be able to act in the day to day with students with special educational needs in the regular education. It is a descriptive study of qualitative character, in which they participated 14 professionals of the education being from the leaders, the psychologists and the teachers who were interviewed through an interview. It is concluded that although the College has its structure adapted, planning to meet the pedagogical demands of students with special educational needs and providing Pounds course for their teachers and education professionals, include is beyond the physical and material structure of the institution . Teachers have to constantly seek training that comes to contemplate all the particularities and specificities of the deficiencies, so that in their daily lives, they can act and contribute to the education of this educated person with quality.
Formação do professor Inclusão social Inclusão pedagógica Teacher training Social inclusion Pedagogical inclusion