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Objetivo: Analisar a atividade eletromiográfica dos músculos serrátil anterior, trapézio superior
e inferior ao longo do exercício de box position e prancha com diferentes variações e superfícies.
Metodologia: Foi realizada a análise da atividade electromiográfica dos músculos acima
referidos em quinze participantes (média de idades 22.00±2.00 anos; IMC 23.41±3.83 kg/m2) nas
diferentes variações dos exercícios box position e prancha, sendo os elétrodos colocados no
membro superior dominante dos participantes. Resultados: Foram encontradas diferenças
significativas quando analisada a atividade electromiográfica nos diversos músculos em cada
variação mas também em cada músculo entre as variações. O músculo serrátil anterior foi o que
evidenciou uma maior atividade muscular, com cerca de 38,41% de contração máxima voluntária,
sendo que os valores mais altos foram observados em superfícies estáveis. O músculo que
evidenciou menos atividade muscular foi o trapézio superior. Conclusão: A atividade
electromiográfica dos músculos em questão variam consoante o tipo de variação dos exercícios
efetuados. No entanto o músculo serrátil anterior apresentou os maiores níveis de atividade
eletromiográfica em todas as variações dos exercícios propostos.
Objective: The aim of the present study is to analyze the electromyographic activity of the anterior serratus muscle, upper and lower trapezius throughout the box position and plank exercise, with different variations and surfaces. Methodology: The electromyographic activity of announced muscles was realized in fifteen participants (mean age 22.00±2.00 years; BMI 23.41±3.83 kg/m2) in different variations of box position and plank, being placed electrodes according to the preference of the participants. Results: Significant differences were found when the electromyographic activity were analyzed in the various muscles in each variation but also in every muscle between the variations. The anterior serratus muscle was what showed greater muscular activity, with value of 38.41% of maximum voluntary contraction, with the higher values verified on stable surfaces. The muscle that showed less muscular activity was the upper trapezius muscle. Conclusion: The present electromyographic muscular activity changes depending on the type of variation of performed exercises. However, the anterior serratus muscle presented higher levels of electromyographic activity in each exercise variation proposed.
Objective: The aim of the present study is to analyze the electromyographic activity of the anterior serratus muscle, upper and lower trapezius throughout the box position and plank exercise, with different variations and surfaces. Methodology: The electromyographic activity of announced muscles was realized in fifteen participants (mean age 22.00±2.00 years; BMI 23.41±3.83 kg/m2) in different variations of box position and plank, being placed electrodes according to the preference of the participants. Results: Significant differences were found when the electromyographic activity were analyzed in the various muscles in each variation but also in every muscle between the variations. The anterior serratus muscle was what showed greater muscular activity, with value of 38.41% of maximum voluntary contraction, with the higher values verified on stable surfaces. The muscle that showed less muscular activity was the upper trapezius muscle. Conclusion: The present electromyographic muscular activity changes depending on the type of variation of performed exercises. However, the anterior serratus muscle presented higher levels of electromyographic activity in each exercise variation proposed.
Projeto de Graduação apresentado à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do grau de Licenciada em Fisioterapia
sEMG Escápula Press-up Cadeia cinética fechada Surface EMG Scapula Press-up Close kinetic chain