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A experiência de gaguejar é influenciada por diversos aspetos cognitivos, comportamentais e sociais, podendo manifestar-se negativamente na qualidade de vida do indivíduo. É necessário procurar como compreender esta experiência é percebida e de que forma a gaguez impacta a qualidade de vida. A presente tese encontra-se organizada em dois artigos científicos. O primeiro artigo consiste numa revisão sistemática que teve como objetivo identificar e analisar os instrumentos psicológicos que avaliam a qualidade de vida em adultos com gaguez. Foram identificados doze instrumentos utilizados com o objetivo de avaliar a qualidade de vida relacionada com a gaguez, sendo cinco destes instrumentos específicos para a gaguez o [OASES], [4S], [SS/S24], [UTBAS/UTBAS-6] e [SSI], e sete instrumentos que envolvem possíveis dimensões que a literatura científica revela serem impactadas pela gaguez, a [AHS], [ESR], [Q-LES-Q-SF], [MSPSS], [RSES], [GSES] e [SWLS]. O [OASES] destaca-se ao longo da revisão por ser o instrumento mais frequentemente utilizado, por apresentar diversas versões culturais (Alemanha, Austrália, Brasil, Irão e Japão) e por incluir uma dimensão dedicada à qualidade de vida. No entanto, além da ausência de um instrumento que procure, de forma direta, avaliar a qualidade de vida da população-alvo, a possível aplicação em conjunto de diferentes instrumentos com dimensões específicas poderá duplicar avaliações dessas dimensões. Verifica-se a necessidade de desenvolver e validar um instrumento que avalie, de forma específica, a qualidade de vida em adultos com gaguez. O segundo artigo diz respeito ao processo de construção da Escala de Avaliação de Qualidade de Vida em Adultos com Gaguez, denominada por GAGQV, e estudo psicométrico inicial da mesma. A escala é composta por 52 itens que avaliam quatro domínios: reações emocionais, reações cognitivas, impacto profissional e estratégias de coping. Foi avaliada uma amostra de conveniência constituída por 24 adultos com gaguez, com idades compreendidas entre os 22 e os 61 anos (M=36,48; DP=11,17). Os resultados revelam que a GAGQV apresenta uma excelente consistência interna (α = 0,97) tal como excelente validade interna e externa, e elevada sensibilidade, tornando-a uma ferramenta confiável e eficaz para a medição do construto em questão. As evidências encontradas na presente dissertação reforçam a importância do instrumento desenvolvido para avaliar o impacto da gaguez na qualidade de vida. No entanto, destaca-se a necessidade de ampliar a investigação com uma amostra maior, a fim de validar e aprimorar o instrumento, garantindo resultados mais robustos e representativos desta população.
The experience of stuttering is influenced by several cognitive, behavioral and social aspects, and can have a negative impact on the individual's quality of life. It is necessary to seek to understand how this experience is perceived and how stuttering impacts quality of life. This thesis is organized into two scientific articles. The first article consists of a systematic review that aimed to identify and analyze psychological instruments that assess quality of life in adults who stutter. Twelve instruments used with the objective of evaluating quality of life related to stuttering were identified, five of which were specific instruments for stuttering: [OASES], [4S], [SS/S24], [UTBAS/UTBAS-6] and [SSI], and seven instruments involving possible dimensions that scientific literature reveals being impacted by stuttering: [AHS], [ESR], [Q-LES-Q-SF], [MSPSS], [RSES], [GSES] and [SWLS]. The [OASES] stands out throughout the review for being the most frequently used instrument, for presenting different cultural versions (Germany, Australia, Brazil, Iran and Japan) and for including a dimension dedicated to quality of life. However, in addition to the absence of an instrument that directly seeks to assess the quality of life of the target population, the possible joint application of different instruments with specific dimensions could duplicate assessments of these dimensions. There is a need to develop and validate an instrument that specifically assesses the quality of life in adults who stutter. The second article concerns the process of constructing the Quality of Life Assessment Scale in Adults with Stuttering, called GAGQV, and its preliminary psychometric study. The scale consists of 52 items that assess four domains: emotional reactions, cognitive reactions, professional impact and coping strategies. A convenience sample composed of 24 adults who stutter, aged between 22 and 61 years old (M=36.48; SD=11.17) was evaluated. The results reveal that the GAGQV has excellent internal consistency (α = 0.97) as well as excellent internal and external validity, and high sensitivity, making it a reliable and effective tool for measuring the construct in question. The evidence found in this dissertation reinforces the importance of the instrument developed to assess the impact of stuttering on quality of life. However, the need to expand research with a larger sample stands out, in order to validate and improve the instrument, ensuring more robust and representative results for this population.
The experience of stuttering is influenced by several cognitive, behavioral and social aspects, and can have a negative impact on the individual's quality of life. It is necessary to seek to understand how this experience is perceived and how stuttering impacts quality of life. This thesis is organized into two scientific articles. The first article consists of a systematic review that aimed to identify and analyze psychological instruments that assess quality of life in adults who stutter. Twelve instruments used with the objective of evaluating quality of life related to stuttering were identified, five of which were specific instruments for stuttering: [OASES], [4S], [SS/S24], [UTBAS/UTBAS-6] and [SSI], and seven instruments involving possible dimensions that scientific literature reveals being impacted by stuttering: [AHS], [ESR], [Q-LES-Q-SF], [MSPSS], [RSES], [GSES] and [SWLS]. The [OASES] stands out throughout the review for being the most frequently used instrument, for presenting different cultural versions (Germany, Australia, Brazil, Iran and Japan) and for including a dimension dedicated to quality of life. However, in addition to the absence of an instrument that directly seeks to assess the quality of life of the target population, the possible joint application of different instruments with specific dimensions could duplicate assessments of these dimensions. There is a need to develop and validate an instrument that specifically assesses the quality of life in adults who stutter. The second article concerns the process of constructing the Quality of Life Assessment Scale in Adults with Stuttering, called GAGQV, and its preliminary psychometric study. The scale consists of 52 items that assess four domains: emotional reactions, cognitive reactions, professional impact and coping strategies. A convenience sample composed of 24 adults who stutter, aged between 22 and 61 years old (M=36.48; SD=11.17) was evaluated. The results reveal that the GAGQV has excellent internal consistency (α = 0.97) as well as excellent internal and external validity, and high sensitivity, making it a reliable and effective tool for measuring the construct in question. The evidence found in this dissertation reinforces the importance of the instrument developed to assess the impact of stuttering on quality of life. However, the need to expand research with a larger sample stands out, in order to validate and improve the instrument, ensuring more robust and representative results for this population.
Gaguez Qualidade de vida Escala psicométrica Reações emocionais Reações cognitivas Impacto profissional Estratégias de coping Instrumentos psicológicos Validação de escala Amostra de conveniência Stuttering Quality of life Psychometric scale Emotional reactions Cognitive reactions Professional impact Coping strategies Psychological instruments Scale validation Convenience sample