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Dissertação_de_mestrado_38426 | 1.26 MB | Adobe PDF |
A insuficiência renal crónica e o tratamento dialítico provocam alterações significativas na dinâmica diária do doente renal crónico, comprometendo e limitando a sua condição física e psicológica, com repercussões pessoais, familiares e sociais. Neste sentido, o estudo teve como objetivo principal a influência do ajustamento psicológico na perceção de dor, na perceção da qualidade de vida e na perceção do ajustamento diádico do paciente com insuficiência renal crónica. A amostra é constituída por 60 participantes portadores de insuficiência renal crónica, os quais foram selecionados no Serviço de Nefrologia do Hospital São João do Porto. A duração do estudo foi de 11 meses (47 semanas). Salienta-se, desde já, que a amostra é não probabilística, sendo do tipo de amostragem por seleção racional. Trata-se assim de um estudo transversal de caráter descritivo, exploratório e correlacional, com o objetivo de contribuir para uma maior compreensão da importância do ajustamento psicológico na perceção de dor, qualidade de vida e ajuste diádico das pessoas portadoras de insuficiência renal crónica. Foi utilizado um questionário sociodemográfico e clínico, a HADS, o BPI, o Whoqol-Bref e a DAS. Os resultados demonstram que o ajustamento psicológico tem uma relação direta com uma maior perceção de qualidade de vida e ajustamento diádico e uma relação negativa com a dor. Conclui-se que a presença de sintomatologia psicológica promove uma menor qualidade de vida e ajustamento diádico e uma maior perceção de dor.
Chronic kidney disease and dialysis treatment cause significant changes in the daily dynamics of chronic kidney disease patients, compromising and limiting their physical and psychological condition, with personal, family, and social repercussions. In this sense, the study's main objective was the influence of psychological adjustment on the perception of pain, the perception of quality of life, and the perception of dyadic adjustment of patients with chronic renal failure. The sample consists of 60 participants with chronic kidney disease, who were selected at the Nephrology Service of Hospital São João do Porto. The duration of the study was 11 months (47 weeks). It should be noted that the sample is non-probabilistic, being a rational selection sampling type. This is a cross-sectional study of a descriptive, exploratory, and correlational nature, aiming to contribute to a greater understanding of the importance of psychological adjustment in the perception of pain, quality of life, and dyadic adjustment of people with chronic renal failure. A sociodemographic and clinical questionnaire, the HADS, the BPI, the Whoqol-Bref, and the DAS were used. The results demonstrate that psychological adjustment has a direct relationship with a greater perception of quality of life and dyadic adjustment and a negative relationship with pain. It is concluded that the presence of psychological symptoms promotes a lower quality of life and dyadic adjustment and a greater perception of pain.
Chronic kidney disease and dialysis treatment cause significant changes in the daily dynamics of chronic kidney disease patients, compromising and limiting their physical and psychological condition, with personal, family, and social repercussions. In this sense, the study's main objective was the influence of psychological adjustment on the perception of pain, the perception of quality of life, and the perception of dyadic adjustment of patients with chronic renal failure. The sample consists of 60 participants with chronic kidney disease, who were selected at the Nephrology Service of Hospital São João do Porto. The duration of the study was 11 months (47 weeks). It should be noted that the sample is non-probabilistic, being a rational selection sampling type. This is a cross-sectional study of a descriptive, exploratory, and correlational nature, aiming to contribute to a greater understanding of the importance of psychological adjustment in the perception of pain, quality of life, and dyadic adjustment of people with chronic renal failure. A sociodemographic and clinical questionnaire, the HADS, the BPI, the Whoqol-Bref, and the DAS were used. The results demonstrate that psychological adjustment has a direct relationship with a greater perception of quality of life and dyadic adjustment and a negative relationship with pain. It is concluded that the presence of psychological symptoms promotes a lower quality of life and dyadic adjustment and a greater perception of pain.
Ajustamento psicológico Perceção de dor Qualidade de vida Ajustamento diádico Psychological adjustment Pain perception Quality of life Dyadic adjustment