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Objetivo: Analisar a eficácia da Fisioterapia nas Vertigens Posicionais Paroxísticas Benignas (VPPB). Metodologia: pesquisa computorizada nas bases de dados B-on, PubMed, Google scholar e Scielo para identificar estudos que analisassem a eficácia do tratamento da Fisioterapia nos sintomas dos VPPB seguindo os criterios de inclusão definidos para o estudo. Resultados: Nesta revisão foram incluídos 7 artigos envolvendo 713 pacientes. Dos artigos mencionados, podemos concluir que em 93,5% dos pacientes os sintomas de VPPB diminuíram ou ficaram quase inexistentes. Conclusão: As manobras de Fisioterapia parecem representar um papel importante mostrando-se eficazes, na diminuição dos sintomas desta patologia. No entanto, constatamos que a eficácia destas manobras poderá haver necessidade de recorrer a aconselhamentos específicos após a aplicação das manobras.
Objective: Evaluate physiotherapy efficency for Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo treatment. Methodology: computerized search data bases and search engines such as b-on, Pubmed, Scholar Google and Scielo, to identify studies which could evaluate efficiency of physiotherapic treatment in BPPV symptoms. Results: this review has included 7 papers grouping 713 patients. From these papers we can conclude that 93.5% of patients who shown symptoms, are free of them or showed hardly less important symptoms after the treatment. Physiotherapic's manoeuvers seem to take a great role in pathologic symptoms diminution. Conclusion: Therefore we can see that these manoeuvers seem to have positive effects in a short term action, but that long term action would probably need post manoeuver advices and treatment.
Objective: Evaluate physiotherapy efficency for Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo treatment. Methodology: computerized search data bases and search engines such as b-on, Pubmed, Scholar Google and Scielo, to identify studies which could evaluate efficiency of physiotherapic treatment in BPPV symptoms. Results: this review has included 7 papers grouping 713 patients. From these papers we can conclude that 93.5% of patients who shown symptoms, are free of them or showed hardly less important symptoms after the treatment. Physiotherapic's manoeuvers seem to take a great role in pathologic symptoms diminution. Conclusion: Therefore we can see that these manoeuvers seem to have positive effects in a short term action, but that long term action would probably need post manoeuver advices and treatment.
Projeto de Graduação apresentado à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do grau de Licenciado em Fisioterapia
VPPB BPPV Manobras Epley Semont Fisioterapia vestibular BPPV Maneuvers Epley Semont Physiotherapy