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Objetivos: Desde a emergência dos protocolos na medicina corretiva, diversos tratamentos têm sido considerados para a má oclusão de Classe II esquelética.
Nomeadamente, uma intervenção cirúrgica em situações mais severas, quando o crescimento ósseo está completo. A importância atual dos tratamentos ortognáticos, ou seja, a cirurgia corretiva dos maxilares para a deformidade dentofacial (DDF) sagital de Classe II esquelética suscita questionamentos quanto ao seu impacto no desenvolvimento de outros sintomas, complicações e distúrbio temporomandibular (DTM), tais como dor, estalido, crepitação ou qualquer outro tipo de sinal ou sintoma, assim como na dimensão da abertura bucal máxima (ABM). De facto, o sucesso duma intervenção cirúrgica é intrinsecamente ligado à resolução da sintomatologia e à estabilidade dos resultados a curto e longo prazo. Esta revisão sistemática teve como objetivo analisar a literatura relacionada às correções em pacientes com classe II esquelética por meio de cirúrgia ortognática (COG), verificando se tais procedimentos resultam em alteração da sintomatologia na articulação temporomandibular (ATM), incluindo remissão dos sintomas de dor e limitação nos movimentos mandibulares.
Material e métodos: Recorreu-se a artigos científicos indexados em bases de dados Medline (PubMed), Elsevier dabase (Mendeley) seguindo a estratégia de pesquisa PICO e definindo previamente os critérios de inclusão e critérios de exclusão. Um total de 13 artigos foram selecionados por ser adequarem a metodologia escrita.
Resultados: Foram incluídos treze estudos, classificados da seguinte forma: oito estudos retrospetivos, dois estudo longitudinal, um estudo prospetivo (cuja estudos de coorte) e um ensaio clínico, envolvendo um total de 862 pacientes com má oclusão de Classe II esquelética. Na maioria dessas investigações, confirma-se a resolução da sintomatologia por meio da COG, apesar do desenvolvimento de outras complicações. Conclusão: Com base nos artigos revistos, constata-se que a cirurgia ortognática resultou em uma redução dos sintomas da DTM em pacientes com má oclusão de Classe II esquelética.
Objective: Since the emergence of corrective medicine protocols, various treatments have been considered for skeletal Class II malocclusion. In particular, surgical intervention in more severe situations, when bone growth is complete. The current importance of orthognathic treatments, or corrective jaw surgery for sagittal Class II skeletal dentofacial deformity raises questions about the impact on the development of other symptoms, complications and temporomandibular disorders, such as pain, clicking, crackling or any other type of sign or symptom, as well as on the dimension of the maximum mouth opening. In fact, the success of a surgical intervention is intrinsically linked to the resolution of symptoms and the stability of the results in the short and long term. This systematic review aimed to analyse the literature related to corrections in skeletal class II patients using orthognathic surgery, checking whether these procedures result in a change in temporo-mandibular joint symptoms, including remission of pain symptoms and limited mandibular movements. Materials and methods: Scientific articles indexed in databases Medline (PubMed), Elsevier dabase (Mendeley) were used, following the PICO search strategy and previously defining inclusion and exclusion criteria. A total of 13 articles were selected for their suitability to the written methodology. Results: Thirteen studies were included, classified as follows: eight retrospective studies, two longitudinal studies, one prospective study (of which were cohort studies) and one clinical trial, involving a total of 862 patients with skeletal Class II malocclusion. Most of these studies confirmed that orthognathic surgery resolved symptoms, despite the development of other complications. Conclusion: Based on the articles reviewed, it was found that orthognathic surgery resulted in a reduction in temporomandibular disorders symptoms in patients with skeletal Class II malocclusion.
Objective: Since the emergence of corrective medicine protocols, various treatments have been considered for skeletal Class II malocclusion. In particular, surgical intervention in more severe situations, when bone growth is complete. The current importance of orthognathic treatments, or corrective jaw surgery for sagittal Class II skeletal dentofacial deformity raises questions about the impact on the development of other symptoms, complications and temporomandibular disorders, such as pain, clicking, crackling or any other type of sign or symptom, as well as on the dimension of the maximum mouth opening. In fact, the success of a surgical intervention is intrinsically linked to the resolution of symptoms and the stability of the results in the short and long term. This systematic review aimed to analyse the literature related to corrections in skeletal class II patients using orthognathic surgery, checking whether these procedures result in a change in temporo-mandibular joint symptoms, including remission of pain symptoms and limited mandibular movements. Materials and methods: Scientific articles indexed in databases Medline (PubMed), Elsevier dabase (Mendeley) were used, following the PICO search strategy and previously defining inclusion and exclusion criteria. A total of 13 articles were selected for their suitability to the written methodology. Results: Thirteen studies were included, classified as follows: eight retrospective studies, two longitudinal studies, one prospective study (of which were cohort studies) and one clinical trial, involving a total of 862 patients with skeletal Class II malocclusion. Most of these studies confirmed that orthognathic surgery resolved symptoms, despite the development of other complications. Conclusion: Based on the articles reviewed, it was found that orthognathic surgery resulted in a reduction in temporomandibular disorders symptoms in patients with skeletal Class II malocclusion.
Cirurgia ortognática Distúrbios temporomandibulares Má oclusão Classe II Articulação temporomandibular Sintomatologia Orthognathic surgery Temporomandibular disorders Malocclusion Class II Temporomandibular joint Symptomatology