The purpose of the present review is to compile the recent literature in the field of anti-inflammatory treatments, with special focus to the state-of-the-art on pharmaceutical approaches for optimizing oral administration. Attending to the drawbacks associated with the use of these types of drugs, the development of oral modulated release formulations is highly desirable in order to achieve improved therapeutic efficacy and patient compliance. Several technological systems and their advantages in modulated and targeted drug releases (gastroretention or colonic release) have been described: matrix systems, coated dosage forms, osmotic pressure based formulations, prodrugs, colloidal carriers, microparticles and other carriers. These new approaches seem to be promising and have been considered by pharmaceutical companies.
Anti-inflammatory drugs Matrix systems Coated systems Osmotic Systems Prodrugs Colloidal carriers Microparticles Gastroretentive systems Colon systems
Bentham Science Publishers