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A ideia central do presente trabalho consiste em compreender quais são os contributos do Serviço Social no acolhimento, acompanhamento, e preparação da alta de doentes internados em unidades de cuidados continuados integrados.
Utilizando uma metodologia qualitativa e de carácter exploratório, procurou-se responder aos objetivos definidos para esta investigação, com recurso a um guião de entrevista. Para tal, foram entrevistadas quatro Assistentes Sociais que trabalham nas unidades de convalescença; média duração e reabilitação; longa duração e manutenção e cuidados paliativos da RNCCI. O guião é composto por cinco unidades de análise, designadamente: a) caracterização sociodemográfica; b) na fase do acolhimento; c) no âmbito da elaboração de plano individual de cuidados; d) no âmbito e acompanhamento psicossocial; e) no âmbito da preparação da alta e da continuidade dos cuidados.
Em termos de resultados, destacam-se os contributos do/a Serviço Social em todas as fases do internamento do doente. A missão do/a Assistente Social, será sobretudo enfatizar a relevância dos fatores psicossociais, determinantes no tratamento, na reabilitação, na readaptação e na reintegração dos doentes/dependentes nos ambientes sociais, ajudando-os no desenvolvimento de todas as suas potencialidades. O Serviço Social tem ainda como objetivo de intervenção, estabelecer uma relação de entreajuda com o doente e/ou familiar cuidador, promovendo a minimização de dificuldades da situação de doença, de forma a proporcionar bem-estar e qualidade de vida.
The central idea of this work is to understand what are the contributions of a Social Work on reception, monitoring, and preparation in the discharge of patients integrated in continuous care units. Using a qualitative and exploratory methodology, we tried to meet the goals set for this research, using an interview guide. For this, were interviewed four social workers working in convalescent units; medium term and rehabilitation; long-term, maintenance and palliative care in RNCCI. The script consists of five units analysis, namely: a) socio-demographic characteristics; b) in the reception phase; c) in the preparation of individual care plan; d) the scope and psychosocial support; e) as part of the high preparation and continuity of care. In terms of results, we highlighted the contributions of Social Service at all stages of the patient's hospitalization in RNCCI. The mission of a Social Worker, is especially to emphasized the importance of psychosocial, determining factors in treatment, rehabilitation, readaptation and reintegration of patients/dependents in social environments, helping them to develop their full potential. The Social Services also has the goal of intervention, establishing a mutual relationship with the patient and/or family caregivers, minimizing the difficulties of the disease situation in order to provide well-being and quality of life.
The central idea of this work is to understand what are the contributions of a Social Work on reception, monitoring, and preparation in the discharge of patients integrated in continuous care units. Using a qualitative and exploratory methodology, we tried to meet the goals set for this research, using an interview guide. For this, were interviewed four social workers working in convalescent units; medium term and rehabilitation; long-term, maintenance and palliative care in RNCCI. The script consists of five units analysis, namely: a) socio-demographic characteristics; b) in the reception phase; c) in the preparation of individual care plan; d) the scope and psychosocial support; e) as part of the high preparation and continuity of care. In terms of results, we highlighted the contributions of Social Service at all stages of the patient's hospitalization in RNCCI. The mission of a Social Worker, is especially to emphasized the importance of psychosocial, determining factors in treatment, rehabilitation, readaptation and reintegration of patients/dependents in social environments, helping them to develop their full potential. The Social Services also has the goal of intervention, establishing a mutual relationship with the patient and/or family caregivers, minimizing the difficulties of the disease situation in order to provide well-being and quality of life.
Rede Nacional de Cuidados Continuados Integrados Contributos do Serviço Social National Integrated Continuous Care Network Contributions of Social Work