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As intervenções alternativas são medidas que não devem ser rechaçadas por nenhum
governante. O sistema de encarceramento penal existente no Brasil, assim como em
muitas nações mundo afora, vem mostrando há décadas, ser um sistema falido, vez que
é impossível (res)socializar alguém em cadeias que são verdadeiras masmorras. Não há
condições de melhoramento, nem na esfera física ou psíquica deste sistema nefasto, que
só funciona para pegar pobres, pretos, analfabetos e moradores das periferias.
Dentro dos maiores problemas apontados por pesquisas atuais, a superlotação, a
violência, o tráfico de drogas, o abuso sexual e a falta de uma ocupação que garanta a
(res)socialização, forma verdadeiras faculdades do crime, onde o preso ou o adolescente
chega como estagiário e sai como mestre na arte da criminalidade delinquente.
Esta pesquisa em Criminologia e direito comparado, com foco no Brasil (Recife) e na
Alemanha (Freiburg), faz uma contextualização histórica do tema, de forma geral e
mais focada nos países comparados. Após esta contextualização, o trabalho retrata e
analisa a situação dos jovens em conflito com a Lei, e explana as intervenções
alternativas à internação, aconselhando a solução do acolhimento por famílias
The alternative interventions are measures that should not be rejected by any ruler. The system of existing criminal entrapment in Brazil, as well as in many nations around the world, has been showing some decades ago, to be a failing system, it is impossible to (res)socialize someone in chains which are true dungeons. There are no conditions of improvement, nor in physical or psychic sphere of this nefarious system, which only works to catch the poor, black, illiterate and residents of the city outskirts. Within the larger problems pointed out by the current researches, overcrowding, violence, drug trafficking, sexual abuse and the lack of an occupation that guarantees the (res) socialization, form true faculties of crime, where the arrested or the adolescent arrives as a trainee and exits as a master in the art of delinquent crime. This Criminology and comparative law research, with a focus on Brazil (Recife) and on Germany (Freiburg), makes a historical contextualization of the theme in general and more focused terms in the countries compared. After this contextualization, the work depicts and analyzes the situation of young people in conflict with the law, and explains the alternative interventions to detention, in favour of the option of foster family’s solutions.
The alternative interventions are measures that should not be rejected by any ruler. The system of existing criminal entrapment in Brazil, as well as in many nations around the world, has been showing some decades ago, to be a failing system, it is impossible to (res)socialize someone in chains which are true dungeons. There are no conditions of improvement, nor in physical or psychic sphere of this nefarious system, which only works to catch the poor, black, illiterate and residents of the city outskirts. Within the larger problems pointed out by the current researches, overcrowding, violence, drug trafficking, sexual abuse and the lack of an occupation that guarantees the (res) socialization, form true faculties of crime, where the arrested or the adolescent arrives as a trainee and exits as a master in the art of delinquent crime. This Criminology and comparative law research, with a focus on Brazil (Recife) and on Germany (Freiburg), makes a historical contextualization of the theme in general and more focused terms in the countries compared. After this contextualization, the work depicts and analyzes the situation of young people in conflict with the law, and explains the alternative interventions to detention, in favour of the option of foster family’s solutions.
Intervenção alternativa Menores em conflito com a lei Famílias madrinhas (Res)socialização Alternative intervention Minors in conflict with the law Foster family (Res)socialization