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As Práticas Internas da Administração Pública favorecedoras da Corrupção, tema dessa dissertação, delineia-se na perspetiva de buscar entender que tipo de “influência” a Administração Pública exerce sobre um funcionário público ao ponto de fazê-lo cometer crimes administrativos durante sua carreira funcional e quais medidas podem ser introduzidas para reduzir o índice de criminalidade no serviço público. Ao ingressar no serviço público o candidato é submetido a uma bateria de testes e exames intelectuais, bem como investigação de sua vida pregressa, sendo que esta última geralmente é realizada através da apresentação de uma certidão de antecedentes criminais. Desta forma, pode-se concluir que ao ingressarem na Administração Pública, os servidores ingressam com reputação ilibada. Porém, ao longo da carreira funcional, de alguma forma, o servidor acaba sendo influenciado a praticar atos de corrupção. Devido aos poucos estudos sobre esta temática, é de todo relevante compreender o fenômeno, tendo para isso como objetivo geral analisar quais seriam as práticas internas da Administração Pública favorecedoras da corrupção, e específicos investigar o que leva um funcionário público com reputação ilibada a se corromper; bem como analisar o conhecimento real que os funcionários públicos têm em relação ao tema da corrupção e por fim, indicar ações que possam reduzir o índice de criminalidade no serviço público brasileiro. Para o alcance dos objetivos da investigação, utilizou-se como instrumento de coleta de dados um questionário que foi utilizado para a entrevista dos funcionários públicos, além de um vasto material bibliográfico que continham em estudos e estatísticas fornecidas por órgãos de controle e fiscalização e jurisprudências dos Tribunais Brasileiros. Em suma, o resultado dessa investigação poderá contribuir com informações valiosas para a redução do índice de criminalidade no serviço público em geral.
The Internal Practices of the Public Administration in Favor of Corruption, the subject of this dissertation, is outlined in the perspective of seeking to understand what kind of "influence" the Public Administration exercises over a public official to the point of causing him to commit administrative crimes during his functional and what measures can be introduced to reduce the crime rate in the public service. Upon entering the public service the candidate is subjected to a battery of tests and intellectual examinations as well as investigation of his previous life, the latter being usually performed through the presentation of a criminal record. In this way, it can be concluded that when entering the Public Administration, the servers enter with an unblemished reputation. However, throughout the functional career, in some way, the server ends up being influenced to commit acts of corruption. Due to the few studies on this subject, it is all relevant to understand the phenomenon, having as a general objective to analyze what would be the internal practices of the Public Administration that are conducive to corruption, and specific to investigate what leads a public official with unblemished reputation to become corrupt; as well as to analyze the real knowledge that civil servants have regarding the subject of corruption and, finally, indicate actions that can reduce the crime rate in the Brazilian public service. In order to reach the objectives of the investigation, it was used as a collection tool of data a questionnaire that was used for the interview of public officials, in addition to a vast bibliographic material that contained in studies and statistics provided by control and supervisory bodies and jurisprudence of the Brazilian Courts. In short, the result of this investigation could contribute with valuable information to reduce the crime rate in the public service in general.
The Internal Practices of the Public Administration in Favor of Corruption, the subject of this dissertation, is outlined in the perspective of seeking to understand what kind of "influence" the Public Administration exercises over a public official to the point of causing him to commit administrative crimes during his functional and what measures can be introduced to reduce the crime rate in the public service. Upon entering the public service the candidate is subjected to a battery of tests and intellectual examinations as well as investigation of his previous life, the latter being usually performed through the presentation of a criminal record. In this way, it can be concluded that when entering the Public Administration, the servers enter with an unblemished reputation. However, throughout the functional career, in some way, the server ends up being influenced to commit acts of corruption. Due to the few studies on this subject, it is all relevant to understand the phenomenon, having as a general objective to analyze what would be the internal practices of the Public Administration that are conducive to corruption, and specific to investigate what leads a public official with unblemished reputation to become corrupt; as well as to analyze the real knowledge that civil servants have regarding the subject of corruption and, finally, indicate actions that can reduce the crime rate in the Brazilian public service. In order to reach the objectives of the investigation, it was used as a collection tool of data a questionnaire that was used for the interview of public officials, in addition to a vast bibliographic material that contained in studies and statistics provided by control and supervisory bodies and jurisprudence of the Brazilian Courts. In short, the result of this investigation could contribute with valuable information to reduce the crime rate in the public service in general.
Administração pública Servidores públicos Criminalidade Corrupção Atos de improbidade administrativa Public administration Public servants Crime Corruption Acts of administrative improbity