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- Aspectos físicos das "Aparições Marianas" de Fátima, 1917 - sistematização e modelização preliminaresPublication . Fernandes, JoaquimO presente texto pretende sistematizar um conjunto de reacções e sensações físicas relatadas, por diversas testemunhas, à época dos clássicos eventos religiosos da Cova de Iria, em 1917. Propõe-se a possibilidade de ter ocorrido em Fátima, no decurso das experiências das "aparições", uma série de fenómenos, ligados por nexos causais e por uma economia de hipóteses, plausíveis e identificáveis hoje pelo acumular dos conhecimentos científicos e pelo esforço de reflexão de diferentes investigadores. Assume-se que os depoimentos não poderiam antecipar efeitos similares, posteriormente enunciados em diferentes contextos culturais e síndromes fenomenológicas excepcionais. Projectam-se alguns modelos teóricos recolhidas da literatura e de informações directamente comunicadas ao autor. Enumeram-se experiências laboratoriais recentes e modelos oriundos de áreas convergentes, interdisciplinares, susceptíveis de abrir novas perspectivas sobre eventuais processos físicos, equivalentes aos registados no decurso das manifestações aparicionais. Destacam-se, em especial, as implicações para a formulação de um modelo de comunicação não-verbal, extensiva a experiências de "contacto" laico e religioso intemporal e transcultural e refere-se a emergência de uma nova área transdisciplinar: a neuroteologia ou neurobiologia da religião.
- New developments in presentiment research or the nature of timePublication . Bierman, Dick J.Human physiology changes in predictable ways in anticipation of and after exposure to emotional visual stimuli. In a series of experiments reported by Radin (1997), it was found that even when stimuli were adequately randomized, so that the upcoming stimuli could not be inferred, that anticipatory responses (as measured by changes in skin conductance) before exposure to emotional pictures were significantly larger than before exposure to calm pictures. In three subsequent expreriments, the first and third close replications and the second a conceptual replication of Radin s studies, Bierman confirmed this so called "presentiment" or pre-feeling effect. Bierman sub-sequently decided to see whether these anomalies observed in physiological baseline measurements could also be found in data from studies published previously in the main stream literature. Two datasets were found and reanalyzed. The first dataset as from a study on the speed with which fear arises in animal phobic participants vs. controls by the German group of Hamm. The second study was concerned with the difference in anticipatory responses prior to choosing cards from risky vs. non-risky decks of cards in a gambling task by the US group of Damasio. The combined result showed a significant anomalous difference similar to the effects found in the original studies by Radin and Bierman. A new development in presentiment research is the measurement of brain images rather than skin conductance preceding the presentation of randomized neutral and emotional stimuli. Preliminary results suggest that the anomaly can be located in the brain. This would allow for more detailed inspection of differences between different types of emotional stimuli like violent and erotic.
- Panspermia in perspectivePublication . Wickramasinghe, N. C.Panspermia, an ancient theory implying the dispersal of life throughout the universe, was revived in its modern form by Fred Hoyle and the present author in a series of publications over the period 1977 to 2001. Although unpopular at first, it is now slowly gaining support and is coming to be discussed as a serious scientific possibility among theories of the origin of life. A summary will be given of the modern scientific case of panspermia, indicating that astronomical, geological and biological evidence is converging towards its support.
- Inteligência artificial, texto automático e criação de sentidoPublication . Barbosa, PedroOs sonhos da Inteligência Artificial na actual Literatura Gerada por Computador e na Ciberarte. Texto automático, lógica maquínica e algoritmos linguísticos na criação de sentido(s). Problemas de referência: jogos de linguagem e construção do real. The automatic generation of the text and generative literature as folowers of the proposals of Artificial Intelligence (AI); human dimesion and machinic dimension in the treatment of language; the machine as an extender of complexity in the infinite combinatory of signs; field of reading and horizon of possibilities; language games and construction of meaning. The case of the textual sinthesizer Sintext-W: degrees of interactivitye and «(w)reading».
- Editorial [de] Cons-Ciências, nº 1Publication . Fernandes, Joaquim; Santos, Nelson Lima
- Medicina biológica: Sistema "Prognos"Publication . Lozano Calvo, Jesus
- O Homem e o tempo na saúde e na doençaPublication . Fonseca, A. Fernandes da
- The physics/biology interface: implications for clinical medicinePublication . Knox, Sarah S.
- O futuro da reprodução humanaPublication . Sousa, Mário
- Transe(s) em FátimaPublication . Simões, Mário