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Num plano interdisciplinar, a Linguística contribui para o estudo do texto literário. Isso tem sido
testado em Um buraco na boca de António Aragão. Analisa-se, aqui, o reflexo do estilo do autor na construção
frásica dessa narrativa. Através de uma amostra, procura--se ter uma visão geral de alguns parâmetros
da sintaxe deste escritor experimentalista, que, subvertendo prescrições gramaticais, ganhou poder
criativo. porém, parece ter optado por uma linearidade frásica globalmente simplificada. O que caracteriza,
então, a sua sintaxe?
In an interdisciplinary plan, linguistics contributes for the study of literary texts. This has been tested on A Hole in Mouth written by Antonio Aragon. We want to analyze here the reflex of the author’s style in the construction of this narrative. Studying a sampling of sentences, we try to get an overview of some syntax’s parameters of this experimentalist writer who, subverting grammatical prescriptions, won creative power. however globally he seems to choose a simplified sentence linearity. What, then, characterizes his syntax?
In an interdisciplinary plan, linguistics contributes for the study of literary texts. This has been tested on A Hole in Mouth written by Antonio Aragon. We want to analyze here the reflex of the author’s style in the construction of this narrative. Studying a sampling of sentences, we try to get an overview of some syntax’s parameters of this experimentalist writer who, subverting grammatical prescriptions, won creative power. however globally he seems to choose a simplified sentence linearity. What, then, characterizes his syntax?
Um buraco na boca Linguística Estilística Sintaxe Frase A Hole in the mouth Linguistics Stylistics Syntax Sentence
Cibertextualidades. Porto. ISSN 1646-4435. 7 (2015) 95-108.